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When selecting a herd bull we believe in moderation and consistency, not extremes or fads. Strong feet and leg structure, depth, movement and temperament are all strong factors in our herd sire base. We also believe a great bull has to have a great mother and base much of our selection on the program behind the bull.

Many great bulls have influenced our program over the past years.

Red Soo Line Hercules 12M has left his mark here with his daughters. Other influential sires have been Red Soo Line Hawk 5292, Red Soo Line Northern 5291, Red Riverdale Boom 488M, Red T-K big Deal 98U. We have also utilized the outcross opportunity through some great Black Angus Herdsires. SAV Final Answer 0035, SAV 004 Density 4336 and a great walking bull NLC Special Attraction 4W have all left teriffic females in our herd.


Max 60J has been a favorite here since he hit the ground. He was an eye catcher all summer along side his dam, Red JJL Ann 21A. She has been a force here, quietly producing the good ones year after year. The maternal strength in this bull will be reinforced by his sire, Red Flying K Max 153Y, whose daughters will be a huge anchor to our program in the upcoming years.


We think a lot of this calf and would like to use him within our program. Please contact us for terms.


Birth date: Jan 15/2021
Birth weight: 94lbs

Scrotal March 17/22: 43cm
Actual weaning weight Oct 2/21: 910lbs
Actual Yearling weight Jan 15/22: 1290lbs

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Dark red, massive bodied and powerful. He checks all the boxes a herd bull should.


His Dam is Red JJL Miss Deal 4A. A phenomenal Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X daughter who never misses. She is deep bodied, sharp fronted and has a rock solid foot, something the Barndance bull has done consistently for us.


His Sire is Red T-K Energizer 13T. A bull who is certainly no stranger to turning out the good ones. He stamped this calf with the power, eye appeal and presence that we have long followed in the SSS Endorse line of progeny.


Birth date: Jan 1/2020
Birth weight: 102lbs
Actual weaning weight (no creep) Nov 6/2020: 1115lbs
Actual Yearling weight Jan 22/2021: 1305lbs

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Red Taylors Cowboy 12G

Cowboy was selected from Taylors Red Angus in 2020. His Dam is a phenomenal 339T daughter and she sold us on the bull instantly. He has his sires deep body, is correct and sound and has that dark red color that is sought after. His first calves are on the ground and are consistent standouts.

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Red Lines MC Twister 25G

Twister was selected from Lines Red Angus a couple years back and has since proven himself through his extremely consistent progeny. Everyone that has toured has found his calves in the group first.

 Twister's bull calves are stout, wide based and early maturing.  His daughters are sharp fronted and feminine.

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Red Wheel Landslide 90F

 Landslide was selected out of the 2019 Wheeler's Stock Farm Bull sale. He stems from the infamous Auburn cow family at Wheeler's and 

is sired by Red U-2 Unanimous 113B.

It is easy to appreciate this bull for his correct structure, wide base and powerful herd sire presence.



Red JJL Duke 115D

This calf was a standout from birth.

His impressive Dam, JJL Princess 4W, has produced a number of sons working in purebred herds as well as many very strong females. 

We are very proud to have this great herdsire leaving his mark here at JJL.


Semen Available

Owned by Howe Red Angus


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JJL Princess 4W- Dam
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Red JJL Duke 115D foot
Red JJL Duke 115D as calf
JJL Princess 4W- Dam

Red JJL Authentic 84G

"Teddy" was sold to the great folks at B-Elle Red Angus, the Bloom Family. He was an absolute stand out in our 2019 bull pen. His Dam is a knockout Red Flying K Max 110C daughter, adding to this guys solid genetic potential. His sire threw his soft made, cherry red style to all of his calves making them the draw of both the bull and heifer pen each fall.  A very exciting young herdsire for sure, and one to watch for!


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Red Liberty 272C

An outcross sire, but more importantly a solid individual.

His sire, JJL Traction 70Z has proven to be a consistent producer, leaving females that are flat out perfect in their structural correctness, eye appeal and ability to raise a calf. 

He is backed by a mother, LLR New Trend 878 Louise 11U, who has a pedigreee as unique as you will find anywhere.

Paternal Sister

Paternal Sister

Red Flying K Max 110C

Purchased from Flying K Ranch Bull sale 2016. We drove a lot of miles to find this guy and he simply put it all together for us. 

His calves are born easy, grow fast and his daughters are easily the best we have produced to date.


Semen Available

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JJL Chunk 17E

Chunk is a black red carrier powerhouse!

He weaned off his beautiful Final Answer Dam, with no creep, at an actual weaning weight of 960 lbs. 

He walks on a very solid foot and his calves on the ground share his same growth and structural correctness.


Semen Available

Owned by Diamond C Liberty Angus


JJL Chunk 17E


JJL Chunk 17E

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JJL Miss Deal 3W & Chunk


Red Wheel Jack 80A

We purchased 'Jack' from Wheeler's Stockfarm in 2014. He was Initially purchased for the heifer pen. However after seeing his first set of calves the decision to turn him out as our main walking sire was an easy one. He passed on a solid foot, his consistency was unmatched and his calves where born small and hit the top of the pen easily by fall. He is an outcross pedigree to most programs and has left tremendous set of daughters in our herd.


Red JJL Signature 49B

An exceptional son of Red Chopper K Ozzi 109T. We retained in herd semen use on this calf. His mother produced 17 calves and was a stellar producer here over the years. His  calves are exactly what we expected. Stylish, uniform and wide based.


Owned by Southview Ranch and

Ward's Red Angus

Red JJL Bear 36Y- Maternal Brother

Red Riverdale Countess &

JJL Final Answer 8W

Red JJL Big Deal 58Z

Purchased by Redline Livestock as a yearling and probably the strongest son of Red T-K Big Deal 98U raised. We retained in herd semen use on this calf, his mother was one of the best cows to walk here.


Owned by Redline Livestock

Cade with our first 

Big Deal 58Z son

Red Riverdale Ann 571N

Dam of Red JJL Big Deal 58Z

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